Anyone Ever Buy Or Know Someone Who Bought From Ebay

I posted a message regarding a dress I was looking for a few posts down, but this question is more regarding basic Ebay dresses in the event I have to turn to the website if I want to save money.

Has anyone ever purchased their wedding gown on Ebay via the seamstress companies who custom make gowns based on the measurements a customer sends once purchased? I`ve seen quite a few of these, and it seems like many brides wanting to save money go this route, when they aren`t looking for a particular label just a specific look.

I know what to look for in a seller regarding what`s good and bad, but I`ve never purchased clothes from Ebay sellers before. Would anyone be willing to share their experience. (I know that my experience may differ, but I would like to hear if *anyone* has had a good experience.)
Posted by Brianna; updated 05/30/09


I know that if you buy items through PayPal, it can be protected and insurance is possible. Steph, how did your sister pay the company? I`m just trying to make sure I get all the info so I spend my money wisely! :-)

I`ve had a hard time finding the custom dress makers in the United States on Ebay. All of the good prices were from China, and that`s what worried me because I couldn`t just pick up the phone and talk to someone if I had concerns or problems.
Posted by Brianna; updated 05/30/09


Absolutely DON"T go that route!!! There are many legitimate eBay sellers, and I bought my beautiful Pronovias gown on eBay. :o) I can`t advise you strongly enough NOT to go w/one of those "custom" gowns; they`re usually very poorly made and you don`t want that for your wedding. A great seller I found is called "Your Dream Dress". I don`t work for or with them, but I`ve bought garment bags from them (I almost bought one of their gowns, until I fell in love w/the one I got). They`re the nicest people; you can call them on the phone & ask tons of questions, they`re very patient. They were so good w/me that I`m just trying to pay it forward. Best of luck w/everything - just stay away from those other sellers/sites!
Posted by Ali; updated 05/31/09


Thank to those who have replied! That definitely helped my decision as I wanted to hear pros and cons from both sides. The pros being from the Ebay sellers obviously saying that their dresses are in fact the real deal, and the cons being this and another website from people who don`t recommend it and their reasons why.

Through all of this, I have been able to find someone (outside of Ebay) who does custom-made gowns like the one`s advertised on Ebay, only this person is even in my own states and I can actual speak to them on the phone! What a concept versus buying from China! *lol*
Thank you again!
Posted by Brianna; updated 05/31/09


Hi! This is just a suggestion for you - have you ever looked at a site called Pre-Owned Wedding They have tons of dresses that are designer, replica, and unknown brands. They`re an awesome site; prices vary according to what you`re looking for. The gowns are new, used, and samples, and they also have accessories too. I think this is a better way to go - I`ve heard too many horror stories about the custom seamstresses on eBay to trust that route. I`m sure some of them are good, but you know what they say...Have you thought of getting a gown pattern and taking it to a seamstress in your area? The BBB and local wedding gown salons can recommend someone for you. Best of luck with everything! :o)
Posted by Ali; updated 06/02/09


She paid through paypal.
The thing about paypal is that THEY dont pay the fee for customs holding your dress.That technicially is out of their control.
Good-luck finding any company like that in the United States or Canada! Only one i know of is Julius Bridal and they extremely over price their custom made dresses :(
Posted by Steph; updated 06/02/09


Yes, I have purchased many prom dresses for my daughter through ebay. I have always had good luck, but you need to watch out for little things, like specifically has it ever been altered. Important! Also, the seamstresses that will make your gown to size are great, except I found that the shipping costs and other extras fees made it not such a great deal at all! And you usually have to pay so far in advance, and watch out for shipping times and their guarantee. Usually NOT to your advantage. Ebay does stand behind everything on their site, but if it is too late, what do you do for a dress?
Posted by Beth; updated 06/03/09


I ordered and received an Oleg Cassini rerplica from Julius Bridal. It was better made than the original dress and way cheaper than the original dress. However, JB stops making the style because David`s Bridal sued them.

Herer`s what I think about the service of JB. Do not use them If you want a replica made for a cheaper deisgner name like Mary`s or even Maggie Sottero. They are very good with their bead works, so if you want a replica of a more expensive dress then they are a good choice.
Posted by & only Jane; updated 06/04/09


I bought from Julius Bridal`s eBay store and I couldn`t be happier. They`re only more expensive compared to low end products like David`s or other Chinese companies. Their quality is much better than even a lot of top name designers. The only thing you don`t get from them is a big name on the label. I`d rather buy from a small company than one of those big snobby designers like Pnina Tornai or Vera Wang! I think JB is the only trustworthy company on the web!
Posted by Alice; updated 06/04/09