Co-Ed Sleepover

Hey Everyone! I`m going to one of my best guy friends sleepovers and he`s haveing 5 guys and 5 girls. Well he doesn`t know how to plan the party, so I am. The guys are really in kissing so I want to know some unique games. Stuff that we haven`t already heard.... Even made up games are fine. I`ve heard of 7 minutes in heaven, suck and blow, spin the bottle, the life savers game, the orange game, the elephant game, and truth or dare! We need some games we don`t already have, exspecially some dares! You can e-mail me at or you can e-mail my friend Ashlee at
Posted by Danielle; updated 08/26/03


Whats the elephant game?!!
Posted by Lauren; updated 08/30/03


Hey Guys,
The elephant game is when there`s a line of people and it`s boy girl and then you just go around something and put your hand under you and grab the next person by the hand!! sorry i can`t explain it hat good!!
Posted by Ashlee; updated 08/30/03


I`ve already heard of that one too.What we really need are some good dares. We have about six already but that`s not nearly enough. Hey if anyone has any idea`s please post a message under our subject!! Thanks alot!
Posted by Ashlee; updated 08/31/03


I ment how 2 u play it?!?! 7th Heaven??
Posted by lauren; updated 09/01/03


Oh sorry! To play 7 minutes in Heaven you go into a closet with a boy and make out for 7 minutes. Fun Fun ;)
Posted by Ashlee; updated 09/01/03


This game is called "i never".....Its better if there is drinking at the party but if not thats okay....Im going to exsplain it the drinking way...if there is no drinking then ill exsplain that next..............

Its better if youu do it after everyone has a little go around the room(your sitting in a circle) and say its your turn and you know your best friend has had sex, but he doesnt want alot of ppl knowing.....You would say I have never had sex befor...and everyone who has had sex has to take a drink of there drink...and everyone in the room will know what they have done....Like for an best friend told me that she was really drunnk one night and kissed a girl, and i was the only one who when it was my turn i said...i have never kissed a girl, and hse had to drink, then all my friends knew she had done it, its really fun, and a good icebreaker....

If you arnt drinking, its not as fun, but possible, just do the same game but with soda, and not liquer!
Posted by Erica; updated 09/01/03


How old are you? And why are this kids parents letting him have a co-ed sleep over?!? I`m not an old prude or anything. I`m 21and love having fun but fun can get you into trouble, I`ve learned by experience. Innocent make out games are fine but boys and girls having make out sleep overs is not. Now that I`ve gotten that off my chest I have some ways to get into trouble.
1. Call up kids you go to school with and tell them that you`re some other kid at your school and either try to set up a date with them or just sexually harrass them. Do it to both parties so that they shoot each other funky looks at school later.
2. Blind folded kissing. Blind fold one person and have them kiss everyone of opposite sex and guess who they are kissing as they go. To spice it up, throw in a person of the same sex.
3. Have coed races in sleeping bags to see which pair and exchange shirts and pants the fastest, then you get to laugh at the guys in chick clothes
4. Do what many high schoolers do, get drunk, mess around, get knocked up, get married, hate eachother, stay miserably together for the kids, much later get divorced, feel free, have mid-life crisis and date people half your age
Posted by Amber; updated 09/01/03


HI please can you tell me what all them games are apart from dare and 7 minute thingy majigy thanks!~!
Posted by katie; updated 01/17/04


The orange game is boy girl boy girl. You line up in line and the first person takes the orange and the girl has to grap it with her neck and pass it through out the line. The elephant game is girl boy girl boy and you run around something come back run around you line put your hand under your leg and grap the next person`s hand and so on.
Posted by Ashlee; updated 01/17/04


The orange game is fun but if u want 2 spice it up a bit then play suck and blow. U line up boy girl boy girl etc, then suck a card so its flat on ur lips, then blow it on 2 the nxt persons lips, etc. If u really wanna get close 2 a special someone, stand nxt 2 them then "accidently" drop the card and get their lips!!!
Posted by Lauren; updated 01/19/04


For boys and girls what is really fun is you make some sort of chocolate/syrupy sauce and spina bottle to see which too people have to do it(one boy and one girl) they choose who the licker is and the other person then gets the chocolate slapped on somewhere on their body, it is best if you start with fingers (or feet i`ve had that before and boy does it tickle) then work up to neck then even ear if you want then obviously got to cheek then lips it is really good because you can make them worse as they go along so people want to be picked quickley. Everyone who is game will enjoy it but it`s not popular with the people on diets!!!!
Posted by chris; updated 05/05/04


Whats the life savers game?
Posted by Noelle; updated 05/08/04


The lifesavers game is where you line up boy/girl and everyone in line gets a tooth pick then the first person in line starts out with a lifesaver and pass it to the next person wtih the toothpick in their mouth...if you drop the lifesavers you have to start all over at the beginning of the line!
Posted by Ashlee; updated 05/08/04


How was ur sleep over anyweays
Posted by jen; updated 05/08/04


Actually he didn`t end up having the sleepover! But thanks for all the ideas GUYS!!
Posted by Ashlee; updated 05/10/04


Sleepovers are the best . Especially when you play the lipstick game. Have you ever played it ?

Taw Taw
Posted by Jessica; updated 08/06/04


I don`t have any Ideas and my party`s on the 20th.
Posted by Jessica; updated 08/06/04


Ps: haveing a sleepover with guys and girls?
EWWWWEWWWWEWWW dont want 2 nowhat u guys r going 2 be doing?
Posted by Cheri; updated 08/15/04