13th Birthday Ideas

My birthday is in May and i have some ideas that i think are kool. First i want to get some hot peppers to spice up the party and get laughter flowing. Secondi will get some pocker chips and cards so ppl can play. Thhird i am gonna buy a bunch of energy drinks like red bull, amp and monster and mix them together in shot size sevings for eveyone. For games to play there will be Twister and maby spin the bottel.Laastly for food there will be chips of all kinds and i will order a pizza from papa genos probebly. If you have any coments reply to this message.
Love Caitlyn!!!!
Posted by caitlyn; updated 04/29/09


U shud play 7 minutes in heavon and lose the peppers and red bull i knw im bout to be 15 in may
Posted by mami; updated 05/01/09