Need To Know Stuff Before 31.4.09!!!
Hi. I`m doing a project on Quinceaneras and I need to know some stuff about them, cause I didn`t even know they existed until I wikipedia`d initiation ceremonies.
Stuff I`d like to know:
If you don`t believe in God can you still have one without the mass?
Can you have a normal birthday party as well?
Why are they getting more popular?
Do they have them in Brazil?
Do you have to wear a dress?
How do you choose chambelans?
Can your brother or cousin be your chambelan if you haven`t got male friends?
What gifts do you give/get?
What are the cakes like?
What are the dresses like?
Is there an equivalent for guys?
Did anyone here`s mum have one?
How is it different if you live in a poor village or something to if you live in a big city? Can you still have one?
Is it only for Latin American girls?
Thats about everything =] Please answer, I need to finish this project before Thursday!
Posted by Dema; updated 04/25/09