Hello - I am starting to plan my daughter quinceanera 9/04. All I am hearing from serveral people are head aches!!! So I would like to hear any advise anyone has to offer.
Posted by Patty; updated 08/21/03


Im having my quinceanera on may 20 2005 so its around the corner i learned a lot and my 15th is coming great, its stressful but when u set ur mind in the end it comes out spectacular, im willing to help u out on watever , just dont give up and try to find as much help as u can alright....suerte....good luck
Posted by goofy; updated 03/08/05


I`m planning my daughters 15, in July 2005. We do not have a theme yet. I was thinking " Fairies". It just seems that everyone uses the Cinderella theme. We want something different. I am just not creative enough.

Any ideas??
Posted by Diana; updated 03/22/05


Im having my quince in november 2005! im soo excited i cant wait! im not having any damas pure chambelanes! theyre so hott ! we havent started on the dance yet but im sure itll look gr8 good luck ya`ll!
Posted by melinda; updated 03/28/05


Hey, I`m having my quinceanera in November too!!
I`m excited! I`m having chambelanes and no damas!
What color is your dress going to be? Mine is going to be white and pink!
Posted by Brenda; updated 03/29/05


O wow thats kool!! well i dont know i want mine all white but if i find a cute one with white and pink then ill get it cuz my colorz are white and pink im doin a princess theme!
Posted by meli; updated 03/29/05