Invitation To Quinceanera

I have received an invitation to a Quinceanera. I understand the tradition and the significance of the 15th birthday. Is it customary for invited guests to present the young lady with a gift? If so, should the gift be presented at the ceremony or delivered to the home prior to the event? As this is a "first" for me - I`m not sure of the protocol.
Posted by Rebecca Kerr; updated 08/16/03


Oh no, is my lang. Arts teacher in here!! lol well ruca u could tell her quinceanereas arent your thing so i think you shouldnt go. Give her the gift in at her house.
Crazy (lol i killed myself cause im so
Funny )
Posted by Crazy; updated 08/16/03


It`s better if you give her the gift at the party. Unless you`re sending her flowers or something big...give it to her at the party.
Posted by *Jennifer*; updated 08/16/03


Enviar modelos y cotizaciones de tarjetas para 15aƱos. URGENTE
Posted by narcisa; updated 04/02/04