Lazaro Wedding Gown ( 4123) WANTED
If you have Lazaro ivory color wedding gown in the style #4123 or #3033. Both of them are similar in style with sash wraps. Please contact me via or my cell 281-804-6288.
Posted by Linda; updated 08/12/03
Have you looked at the new Oleg Cassini line? He has a dress that is almost exactly like the Lazaro 4123 dress. It`s not made of silk, but it is actually very well constructed(fully lined, even on the train, full boning, heavy weight material). And it`s about 1/4 the price! I know because I was actually looking for that Lazaro dress myself, but might end up with the Oleg.
Posted by Yen; updated 08/14/03
Thanks for the info.
Posted by Linda; updated 08/15/03
I also love that dress however, I tried it on and I did not like to way it looked on me. That dress is on look under item # 2852199582 it is going for 1000.00 alot cheaper then the acutal price, it is A size 10
Posted by Mariah; updated 08/30/03