Sweet 16th Birthday Party

PLEASE HELP ME!!! I am stressing out because i dont know what to do for my 16th birthday party. Its a gurl/boy party. So if anyone has an ideas PLEAS e-mail me at basketballchick832000@yahoo.com. THANX!!!!
Posted by samantha; updated 08/12/03


Hi...I am in the same position you are in. I am having about 30-40 girls and guys and I have the food and drinks planned but I have no idea what to do for games. I want them to be fun but they also have to be appropriate. Email me if you get any ideas!!! StHrNYaNkEe22@aol.com
Posted by Sprinkle; updated 10/23/03


Hi, i was 16 last yeaR, playing pass the orange is fun...... Get in a line girl boy girl boy etc..... Then pass an orang by mouth. If the person b4 u drops it u havre to kiss them!!!! its really funny!!
Posted by Jo; updated 10/26/03


Hi i think you could do like a fancy party but like with blue and purple balloons or if you tell me the month or the party maybe i can get more idesa
Posted by Priscilla; updated 01/24/04


Hey priscilla i like ur idea w/ the baloons my party i want it 2 b in june in a hall, semi-formal, no games thats corny theres gunna b dancn all nite but any more good decoration ideas any1 email me dkpolony@att.net
Posted by B; updated 03/13/04


Well Im like you, my party is in Sepetember and I wasnt sure if I was going to have one until a couple of weeks ago. Ive been looking into it more and more. People do different things all over the world. To me having a themed Sweet 16 would be corny (if u did do it thats fine its just not me.) For my party, I really like Priscilla`s idea. My party is going to consits of more than over 200 people. When theres a party everybody ends up there and Im okay with that but before my dance I want to have a sit down dinner with my friends and family and tell them how Ive grown and how they have helped me. If any you have ideas how to accopmilsh this without making it expensive and how to save by doing different things please email at me lil_babydoll_85546@yahoo.com Good Luck To Every1~
Posted by Breezi; updated 03/14/04


You may think i am out of my mind but my brother went to a sweet 16 last night and said that they had people from MTV fly in and "preform" or whatever........
What i am getting to though is that you could get someone to come and entertain or just get the party going.
Posted by lauren; updated 03/14/04


I`m in the same position about my birthday party. Please help because i need plans for my 16 b-day party!!! what games...what food?......what should i DO!please write back!
Posted by nancy; updated 03/18/04


Heyy I`m planning a sweet 16 in June with my bff we`re having about 120 people thats going to be semi formal... We have everything all set up we just need a theme for it. We`re not really into doin the luau theme but we`re not sure what to do? should we even have one?
Posted by meagan; updated 03/24/04


My sweet 15 was the bomb....even though we went broke after that cuz my mom went crazy...she spen 12 thousand dollars on everything...my party was awsome...i even got to design my own dress! it was the coolest! if u guys have any questions on how i had my dress and what music did i play...etc. Feel free to ask, bye!
Posted by Nancy; updated 03/26/04


Hey!!! I just started planning my party and I think I`m going for ice skating or something along those lines...any ideas for themes or fun games to play? It`s co ed too!! Thanks!!!
Posted by Brittany; updated 06/10/04


Hey nancy i would love to hear about ur party. U had a sweet 15? never heard of that. I wish my mom had that much money to spend on a party for me. But thats not really my style ne way. My sweet 16 is probably going to consist of going to a club dancing until morning and crashing in my bonus room. But any way tell me about ur party. And let me know if u have any ideas for mine. Just keep it a lil on the lower end of the money scale. Thanx
Posted by jessi; updated 06/20/04


Well i really dont have anything to say...i think u guys should just have fun and hope u guys have a blast! ....sorry i havent write in a long time is because my phone got disconnected and i didnt had internet.
If u guys have any questions feel free to ask any questions.
Posted by nancy; updated 06/25/04


Hey my sweet 16 was amazing my father is the head chairman of the town so I am very rich which means I could do anything I wanted so you ask "what did I do" i simply made my father rent the town I got it for the whole weekend. We had Blink 182 performing in front of my mansion, and many other hip and popular bands. I invited all my friends from all towns, and we slept on the streets. But its not like we slept we partied the whole night long, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to email me dizzy__16@hotmail.com (dont forget two underscores)
You know you love me -Gossip Girl
Posted by Lindsay; updated 11/02/04


Wow that last post was incredibly stupid, when your rich you dont sit around and say your rich, if youve grown up with it its normal to you and you dont know much dffrents then that....and lets say you did have that(not) you shouldnt write and word it that way .....and for an awesome sweet 16 I say instead of a huge party just alot of people get together all your friends and just have an awesome night....
Posted by unknow; updated 11/04/04


Hey everyone, im trying to plan my sweet 16th..i know its early but i just wont to have a few ideas...its jan 05 and my b*day is in october if u have any ideas can u plzzz send them to me...jemmasallgood69@hotmail.com
Posted by jemma; updated 01/08/05


Hey everyone!! If any of you need any ideas for your 16th or really any birthday parties email me at Brit_Brat_Luvs_U_Lots@hotmail.com
Posted by Brittany; updated 01/09/05


Hello everyone, thank u for the people who wrote to me... I just need a few ideas if you have some please email me some ideas that would be great thank u again...my email- jemmasallgood69@hotmail.com
Posted by jemma; updated 01/09/05


Ok i need some help i have always dreamed of having the most koolest sweet 16 birthday party that everyone wouldnt forget. I was trying to get theme first, but i ,looked on the internet and none of their themes sound good im probally gonne have aBOUT 130 PEOPLE at my party boys and girls. I really need some help woth my party. My party is in april so if you have any ideas on wut i can do will you plzz let me konw. Thankx~~ brittany
Posted by brittany; updated 02/17/05


Humm girl boy party? Don`t know what to do? Gee I wonder? It`s so hard not to be profane on this message board. HA!
Posted by Rick; updated 02/17/05


Cute but not like that my mom will be there just to mke sure nothing happensi mean fights or ya byes~
Posted by brittany; updated 02/17/05


I am a professional Photographer. I have being in many sweet 16th parties. I can send you a DVD sample of my work and perhaps give you some Ideas for the party your are planning.
You can visit my website at: www.CesarsPhotography.com

And if I can be of help you can contact my studio and perhaps talk about many ideas.


Cesar Hilario

Cesar`s Photography
Professional Portrait & Event Photography
Posted by Cesar; updated 09/11/05


Hey I need help!!I can`t figure what I want to do for my birthday...I am going to be 16..Febuary 22 is my birthday
Posted by Jessica; updated 01/28/06


I am stuck as well, my 16th b-day is on march 15th, but I am haveing a boring family party but need a idea on what to do, I don`t want to go skateing or bowling seeing as we do that to much, or go out to eat, I want something new, please please PLEASE help me.
Posted by Brittany F.; updated 02/06/06


Hi i would love to have a party tat all my friends would love. This birthday party is for a girl!
Posted by Dakota; updated 02/07/06