Games For Your Party

Look DuDe.
You Should Get A Party With Boys & Girls Divide Them Into 2 Teams[boys & Girls Should Be Mixed Together]
Get Some Clothes..[panties, socks, pants, acessories, ect.]
Then Let The Teams Choose One Boy From The Team & The team That Dresses the Boy First wins That Team Should Get A BIG prize [?First Dibs On Some Thing Maybe? ]

Another Thing You Could do Iz Get 2 Dice.
Write 2-12 On A Sheet Of Paper.
#2 AS Kiss On Cheek Or Something.
#3 Hug.
#4 Massage.
#5 dare.
&& So On....
Then Get In A Circle Around A Table Or A Book[somthing hard]
Have 2 People Roll One Dice && What Ever The Dice Adds Up To They Have To Do WhAT eVER It Says.
Posted by hanna; updated 02/22/09