Lower Priced Or Student Photographer

We need someone for about 4-5 hours, as it is a wedding ceremony/reception on a cruise (the entire cruise takes 4 hours). The budget is about $900. Can anyone help?? We are located in Irvine, CA
Posted by Francine; updated 02/02/09


Hi Francine! I am a professional portrait photographer based in San Diego that is looking to expand my portfolio to include weddings. Please feel free to peruse my site and blog and let me know if you`re interested in more details. I would love the opportunity to shoot your wedding within your budget, and offer you a CD of all of your images for free!



Visit our page for more info: Gina Addison Photography

Posted by Gina Addison; updated 02/12/09


Gina, thank you so much for responding to my request... Unfortunately since i posted that message and now, we have managed to confirm someone for the event just this week... I wish i had had your info earlier.. Thank you though for your response...
Posted by Francine; updated 02/12/09


Thank you so much for responding, Francine! And again, congratulation to you! Please feel free to forward this info on to anyone you may know who is getting married this year. I would be more than happy to extend the same offer to them.

All the best,

Visit our page for more info: Gina Addison Photography

Posted by Gina Addison; updated 02/12/09