I have a question.I like this boy his name is jose.I want him to be my partner.My problem is my brother wants to be my partner too.I figure if i don`t have jose as my partner he will be hurt, but if i jose as my partner my brother will be hurt.WHAT SHOULD I DO?
Posted by mousy; updated 08/07/03
Just tell your brother you really want this guy to be your partner and just have your brother as one of your partners. But to save your heart you should have your brother as your partner and have jose as just one of the guys there. I say that just in case something bad happens between you and jose...then you`ll always have your pictures and video to remind you of him and you`re not going to like it. So actually I was no help but go ahead and get jose if you think nothing bad will happen. If not just get your brother.
Posted by *Jennifer*; updated 08/07/03
I`m with jennifer. You should go with your brother because boys will come and go but your bother will always be there for you.
Posted by yazmin; updated 08/07/03
First of all, why in the Hell does your brother want to come out as oyur partner. He is your brother for heaven`s sake. What is he? Gay or what! Let him come out w/someone else. He`ll get over it, and just ask Jose (aka: Lil` Player).
Posted by Ice Queen; updated 10/29/03
I think you should not have the guy you like to be your partner because when you stop liking him or if you get in a fight with that person you are going to regret it. You are going to have him in all your 15anera pictures and you will not like it if something hapens to your friendship.
Posted by merle; updated 10/29/03
Personally, I think that you should not pick this "at the moment" crush. Looking back at pictures, you may not see it now, but you will appreciate looking back at your brother rather than some kid that you used to like. Once again, choose your brother as your partner.
Posted by Ana; updated 10/30/03
Hey ur brother is ur brother he has to fogive u if u really like this guy just go with him if ur brother loves u he will understand
Posted by noemy; updated 04/16/04