I Need So Much Help For My Quince!!!!PLease!!

Ok....I need SO much help !! at first i didnt want of party ..but then i did...but it was so late ...Its January well almost the end..AN my party date is april 11
I Need so much help i have nothin...well i want an arabian theme an i already got my dresss...please help i got less den 2 months ..my mom is trying her best...i pray every nite so god can help us with all of this or sent answers or help ....please if you can help...message me..please,,,,br> I need it...thanks i apreciate all the help i can get.....im scared we aint going to have things done when the day comes!!!help....
Posted by angie; updated 01/28/09


I can custom create an invitations with your theme.
Posted by elizabeth; updated 01/29/09


I have some nice designs for Centerpieces & Favors in your theme and also am having a sale this weekend for 15% off your entire order.


Visit our page for more info: Uniquely Yours Wedding & Party Design

Posted by UYWD; updated 01/30/09