Need Help Pleeezzz.......
Hey every1,
K so here`s my problem..I am the first in my family2 have a Quinceanera and i really dont have a clue like wat 2 do i mean like how long b4 should i start lookin 4 my dress and get the tuxes 4 my chambelanes and dresses 4 my damas and start lookin 4 the DJ? And if U got any more advice or stuf i would be more than happy. You can e-mail me at K well LaterZ............(Oh and my quinceanera isnt until October,2004.) **GiNa***
Posted by Gina; updated 08/05/03
Hey my quincianer was last year in octuber at the end and i started planning since may we went and got my dress 3 months before because if i got bigger or taller that we made sure it fit the guys tux it takes about 1 week to order so you can get the guys tux and the girls dresses later like 1 month before dont worry you will know when to start just do it in time so that everything could come out perfect
Posted by Marina; updated 08/10/03