Hey Whatz Up
Hey ppl...am hella nervous, ma 15 is commin up, is on NoV 22...am freakin out...yepi got problemz, well i havent started ma vals, N thats only couse i dun got the songz...i have hella homegurlz, and am da youngezt from them so they all had their 15 already, N the problem is, is that they all got the songs dat i wunted...so now am hella stuck, N i need some songs dat u guys think arent really heard of.... I was thinking of "sleepwalk" o something but i need 2 more...so u guys help... By da way, ma dress is gonna be baby blue, N of course am havin all da fellaz to ma self..jiji....well u guyz ill be waiting fo a reply...LATEZ n thnx...bubye
Posted by Ana; updated 08/01/03
Sleepwalk is to sad, i think-
Think of something more classical or something
Posted by Cass; updated 10/20/03
Hey thnxz... Yea it is too sad... I started practising ma valz am almost done with it... So is all goin good good. Am dancing la lambada with ma man... And u know the valzes i dunno the names of em` but yea... If yall need anything am hurrr, jus holla... PiZ
Posted by ANa*; updated 10/20/03
Have lots of fun and remember it`s your day and you`ll make it special. Be good to your parents and remember they are doing this for you because they love you so much. Take care.
Enjoy every minute of it.
Posted by Cass; updated 10/20/03
Hey... Yea thnx i will, and i do thnk my parents for everything n specially couse they brought me to this worl.. Thanx... Take care of ur self too... Bubyes
Posted by ANa*; updated 10/21/03