Need Help With My 15th

Hey guys. >I need some serious help with my 15th birthday party. It is in 3 weeks and I have no clue! It will be about 20 boys and girls. I dont care where it is but it cant be to pricey please! I have already had a laua and dont want to do that again. Please help me. Thank you so much!
Posted by Candice; updated 08/01/03


Maybe you should try a celebrity theme.....everyone comes dressed as a celeb. And if you want you could buy a red carpet and take pics of everyone as they walk down it.And you could give out awards that you can print off the internet.....My 12 birthday is in 17 days and my party is in 13. I am giving out silly awards to the people i invited. You should try it.
Posted by nun ya biz niz; updated 08/03/03


There is a lot of things u can do the celeb thing was a good idea i don`t know a lot bout 15 year olds caz i`m 13 turnin 14 next year but anyway u should have a dance party turn up the music and dance the night away and u should have a bar with snacks and punch then have games like limbo electric slide and my fave BOOTY CALL! lol u no the guys will like that and i promise u it will be fun but u should give cheap prizes away 4 who eva wins the game but i usually make a cake by myself its really fun hope u have an awsome partay!!!! email me if u like my idea!!
Posted by Ally; updated 08/05/03


Oh ya candice my email is
Posted by Ally; updated 08/05/03


Candice, you could rent a clubhouse for a night and bring burned cd`s and some refreshments with you. Then you can just dance the night away with all your pals!
Posted by ~*Christina*~; updated 08/17/03


Hey guys its candice! I love your celebrity idea! I think i`m gonna try that. I love the dance paty thing too, Ally. My party is in 1 week. I`m gonna have music and we`re gonna dance. Thanx for the ideas yall! You can always leave me more for next year. ~Candice
Posted by Candice; updated 08/24/03