Ay dios miah! ok, how many chambelanes am i supposed to have. I know that u r supposed to have 14, but i cant get that many guys, so i was just thinking of having just 7 chambelanes.(i`m not havin damas). Is that alright????? someone please just email me----
Posted by alejandra; updated 07/28/03
Yeah you could just have 7 chambelanes that is fine.
Posted by damaris; updated 07/28/03
You are really supposed to have 14 chambelanes and damas. The 14 chambelanes and damas all stand for every year in your life. Of course don`t forget your chambelan!
Posted by Yesennia; updated 10/18/03
Hey i want to have chambelanes y damas but i can`t get that many people is it alright if i have seven of each?
Posted by cindy; updated 02/24/04
You don`t really have to have 14 of each, and you don`t have to have damas if you don`t want. I am a quinceaƱera choreographer and I have done quinceaƱeras with about 4, 5, 6 or as many as 15 chambelanes, but you don`t have to if you don`t want to. It depends on the people you can get and the less people you have, the better. It is also less drama if you don`t have damas, but that is just my opinion from my experience doing this for 6 years in Illinois. This way you are the only girl people look at and they pay attention to you more as the only girl there.
Posted by Nina; updated 03/03/04
Just have seven chambelanes, that will look really good
And that is good idea about not having any damas
Posted by dianee; updated 05/13/04
Hey girl! well yea thats cool if you have 7 chambelanes im only having 8 cuz at first i was gonna have 10 but thats too much and i was also gonna have damas but alot of them lagged on me and now the ones that still can be in it are gonna be in my suprise dance so its all its to much work with damas and too much drama lol also its better with chambelanes cuz all the attention is on you and you get to shine for the day lol. So yea keep it at 7 chambelanes good luck and have fun!
Posted by Smallz; updated 05/15/04
For my 15th should i have my chambelanes marines or pachucos i dont know what to chooce cause guys look cute on both suits
Posted by Crazy; updated 06/08/04
U can have as many as u want.. Im having only 8.........
Posted by sara; updated 11/04/08