Thank You
Hi. Its me again, pamela. Well thank you for your information and it is really helpful. I am going to buy the cd u recommended today and try it out..but what i really need is just a list of traditional songs for my 15`s!
My sister already had her 15`s and i hate doing stuff the way she did it so i want totally different songs..i didnt even want to do it in the same place she did her party. I have a different opinion in everything..please try and send me a list of traditional songs for my party! thank you 4 ur time.
Posted by Pamela; updated 07/28/03
I don`t have my CD with me right now, my dad has it in the car and he`s not here right now so I promise u when he gets back I will list u all the songs on the CD...don`t worry!
Posted by Thais; updated 07/28/03