Bridal Shower Etiquette
If the bride and groom are saving for a particular household item, for example a dining room table, is it appropriate to mention it on the bridal shower invitation?
Posted by Linda; updated 07/24/03
I just had a wedding and have 2 friends getting married very soon and I think it is a great idea. It depends on how casual the shower is. You want them to get what they want, so go for it!
Posted by Aaden; updated 07/24/03
The proper etiquette would be to be registered at the place in which you want the dining room table, etc from and/or ask for gifts of monetary (money) value as your gift instead of actual gifts
Posted by jenice; updated 07/27/03
Ettiquette states to include the registry information in the invitation. All else shold be by word of Mouth. Or maybe a group of people could go together & purchase the expensive item.
Posted by Tami; updated 08/21/03
Why not? I think today anything goes. My daughter is getting married and they live in a small place therefore she is asking for monetary gifts so they can buy what they need accordingly.
Posted by Pamela; updated 05/17/04