~*~714*wHaT DO YoU ThInK*714*~*~
HeY wUsSup...WeLl My 15 iS gOnNa Be On jUlY Of 2004 aNd Im ThInKinG abOut havInG a wHiTe DrEsS wIth LiGhT BrOwn or Tan OuTlIne..so It CoUlD Go wiTh Me Cuz Im a MOreNiTa....BuT Im NoT sOo suRe aBoUt It...Or DO yOu thInK I shOulD haVe It WhiTe WiTh BaBy BlUe And ThAt WaY i Can get WhiTe rOsEs DyEd wIth BaBy bLue SO baIsCallY I wAnT a BaBy BlUe 15 Or liGhT BrOwn 15...wHat dO yoU ThInk?
AnD ANoThER tHIng Im NOT sOoO SUrE IF i SHOuLD hAVE DAmAS bECAUsE wHAT iF tHEY gET aLl ThE ATTENTION aNd ThaTs Not GoOd...BuT iF i Do HavE DaMas WhiCh I waNT To BUt I kinDa Dont...I wAnT TheM to Just Go PlaIn anD siMpLe YoU kNow SO They CanT lOok PreTtIeR han Me buT The i waS kiNda ThInkinG it ReaLlY DonT MaTtER Cuz no MattEr what ThIS WhOle MaIN ThInG is qUinCeReNa(i dOnT kNOw HoW tO spELl It...LoL)and Then SoO JuSt KeEp tHe daMas PlaIN aNd simPle Or whAt Do YOu ThInk I coUld DO To Make"em LoOk SimPLe?
Ok wElL As For ThE ChAmBeLanEs....I KNow FoR a Fact I waNt Them to Be PaChUcOs...GoTta KeEp iT GaNgstA nah Im jUst PlayinG ....The PacHuCoS aRe GoNna bE In BaBy BlUe Or lIghT BroWn...i Think They Are GonnA lOOk CuTe...o quE No??
IMma havE 7 DaMas And 7 ChamBelAnes That WoUld = 14 And + me that =!5.....15 for my 15....lol
SHoUld i have a SuRpriSe DaNce?Or nahHh
WeLl If YoU Have anY suGgeTioNs oR New IDeAs HiT me BaCk Or EmaIl Me At i_lov3_lil_rob@brownpride.com
Posted by eLizAbEtH; updated 07/23/03
I thnk you should stick with the brown outline. I have never seen that and it would look nice. Just don`t get the pachuco suits brown. You should get black and have a brown ribbon(no bows)around the hat. About the damas...you should get them and have them really simple. I had all my damas in a simple dress and they all had the same hairstyle so no one would look prettier than the other one.
Posted by *Jennifer*; updated 07/23/03
What doo you mean by ribbon...do yuo mean a tie o que
Posted by jennifer; updated 07/23/03
I mean a silky satin brown ribbon that`s about 3inches thick. You might not get it but it won`t look girly or anything. Damn.....like a.............ribbon. LoL, I don`t know how to explain it.
Posted by *Jennifer*; updated 07/23/03
Oh my bad lol i get you now
Posted by eLizAbEtH; updated 07/23/03
Oh my god you have very good ideas i think about the light brown is really unique like u never see a 15 girl with a light brown dress outline,i give you propz for thinking about that. I Think you should go with the light brown well yeah i also think that you should keep the pinche damas simple....lol so you can look better than them...lol
Posted by mzladylaughter; updated 07/23/03