I Can`t Have The Chambelan I Want
Hi girls sup well anyways my Quiceanera is in November 15 but the thing is that there`s this guy i`ve been talking to for like 4 months already and my parents don`t want him as one of my chambelanes cuz they`ve had a couple of incidents with him and they say he won`t feel comfortable going to the practices cuz of the problems they`ve had with him but see i want him to be a chambelan what should i do can u guys help me? please!
Posted by Leslie; updated 07/21/03
Hey well that sucks that u can`t have that guy as a chambelan. Well i didn`t really understand but did ur parents say that he wouldn`t feel comfortable going to the practices? well if they did i think you should talk to him and see if he is comfortable or not. Well good luck with that im kinda goin through the same thing. Hope ur 15 turns out nice and good luck again.
Posted by flaquita; updated 07/21/03
Hey flaquita, well yeah my parents said that he wouldn`t feel comfortabel going to the practices cuz of all the problems they`ve had with him that he might feel wierd. So your going through the same thing? maybe u can give me your e-mail adress and we can talk well lates
Posted by Joana; updated 07/21/03
Hey joanna my addy is lalocita_ll@hotmail.com im on my messenger right now and my other addy is almagb1689@yahoo.com bye gurl.
Posted by flaquita; updated 07/21/03