UmM HElp!!

OH HI everyone...well umm my quinceanera is august 23d 2003 and do i need a padrino/madrina for vela or does that go together vela y rosario...and if i do wut does the padrino/madrina do with the vela or wha cuz im lost i dont know if i need one or wha? aite get back aitez buh byez!
Posted by Prisila; updated 07/20/03


HEY , what s a vela and rosario... I have reallly bad spanish!!!
Posted by Joanna; updated 07/20/03


The vela and the rosario are the candle and the rosary the ones that you use for when you do the misa, church mass.
Posted by damaris; updated 07/22/03


Hey pricilla ..... To tell u the truth i didnteven know that u carry a vela 4 ur quince i thought that the vela was only 4 first communion....but i think if u do want to carry vela ur same padrino or madrina that gives u the rosario should get it 4 u..... My 15 is on oct. 4 2003..w/b
Posted by MoNiCa; updated 07/22/03


Quinceaneras info. : you will need to carry a bouquet of flowers I don`t know bout the rosary and the candle. Also I don`t know where you`re really from but mostly mexicans have godparents( no insults )so if ur from mexico u should probably have god parents but if you`re not you should probably stick on how ur people do it! I really wish u good luck. Listen you can go to and type in quinceanera and it will give ya lot`s of info really. Good luck
Posted by Thais; updated 07/22/03