Hey guys! umm...i went to the website and saw the dresses by lilia. I dont think that they`re really that bad but they`re not really my taste in dresses. And i`m not going to put anyone down by saying that they`re ugly.and i am also searching for a quinceaneradress..mine is going to be in march..does anyone have any idea where i can find really really pretty dresses that are lowere than 600.00?
Oh yea and i just wanted to say that the people who are fighting seem like they are all parents and i find that really imature..and i`m only 14! itskinda ridiculus to see that people are fightng over dresses. But if u wanna fight over dresses be my guess.and i dont mean to get anyone mad. EVERYONE BE HAPPY : )!
THANK YOU !! : ) : )
Posted by mandy; updated 07/17/03
This is where i got my dress... Well at a store, but from the same company, and there so pretty my`ne number 203, if you scroll down and look at the number on the side... Make sure to click on debutant/ quinceanera gowns page 2 also cuz there`s alot of the gown here and there at a good price betwwn 350 and 450
Posted by Joanna; updated 07/17/03
Hi did you try angel delivers, im getting my dress there its #2022, and for the $270 i get the whole package dress, hoop, gloves, palbum, gbook, cusion, bouquet. And thats it.
Posted by Ana; updated 07/19/03
Hey i saw both of ur dresses and i liked them both.
Posted by Melissa; updated 07/21/03
THanks Mel~*
Posted by Joanna; updated 07/21/03