I Need Effel Tower Vases
Hi, I need about 10-28-32 inch effel tower vases. My wedding isn`t until May 23, 09. If anyone has any that they have used or going to use before then let me know! They can be clear or frosted. Thank you!!
Posted by Emily; updated 10/02/08
I have 12 23.5 eiffel vases just in case you don`t find the taller ones. Posted them on craigslist for $70 all 12.
Posted by globridal; updated 10/02/08
That would be great. I don`t know if you used them for your wedding or not, but do you know if the vases blocked the guests view of each other? That`s really the only reason I would want a really tall one. I will try and find them on craigslist now.
Posted by Emily; updated 10/02/08
Emily do you live nearby a michaels, they have the vases.Start purchasing 2 every week when there is a 40% off coupon, that is how I started my business inventory. I custom make bouquets if that helps in any way.
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Posted by carmen; updated 10/20/08