Father Daughter Dance And Dress
Now i am looking for a good father daughter dance but half of my family is cocashonand the other half of the family is hispanicwell i would like to have a father daughter dance be in spanish but i don`t speek spanish very well i don`t know to pick a song that iss country because ii know what the words mean or to go with spanish but i might not know what they words mean and it could be like a break up song but it could be a death song i really don`t know and i wanna find one on my own because i wanna show my dad that i could do it all by my self if yall could help me then i would really like it if you reply back with some i deas and i am looking for a dress that would be in the price ranges of $150.00 or less because my aunt is buying my dress and i don`t want it to be all that expensive so if you could help me i would like it
Thanks Raven
Posted by raven; updated 07/16/03
Have you looked at the dresses on angel delivers they come in packages so you not only get the dress but you get gloves, hoop , bouqute,album, g.book,pillow. I hope that it helps.
Posted by Ana; updated 07/16/03
Well yall could help me out because i don`t know what i am doing beccause i am suppose to get helpfrom my aunt and i am not getting it so i came here it would be really nice if yall could help in some way
Posted by raven; updated 07/16/03
Youre family sounds just like mine!!!
Okay , i would say pick a song in spanish because a quinceanera, comes from that back round... Is your dad hispanic?
Actually if your dad is hispanic do spnaish
If your dads american do english... But a song that the hipanic people have already heard before... Most of them have already heard my heart will go on!
I don`t know how... They just have :) Good luck
Posted by Joanna; updated 07/16/03
Thanks i looked at angeldelivers and i really didn`t like all the dresses but thanks any way but thanks that song stuff is really helpfull if you have anymore ideas it would be really helpfull so thanks so much
Posted by raven; updated 07/16/03
Well did you try quinceanera dreams they have lists of places for your hair , recipes for what kinds of you want, even lists of different places to go for dresses , and limos . Just a suggestion.
Posted by Ana; updated 07/16/03