TiPz TO STaY IN COnTrOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I`ve noticed in alot of message boards people are feeling insecure about details to there quinceanera!
SO this is for those girlz if thats u feeling that way!
Now none of us girls want to hurt some ones feelings by dislikeing the way something is in YOUR quinceanera
I`m not telling you how to be a greedy quinceanera but to help you out:
For example
*When u don`t like the dress, step up to the plate, be brave, try not to feel guilty, and explain kindly that u don`t like it, and see what works out~because nothing is worse than feeling ugly all night on your quinceanera!
**When the person does your hair or make up, it`s not rude to suggest an altercation, because sometimes our little touch is what puts us over the egde!
***When u`re not comfortable with anything, because you think it would be a bad reflection of u wether be a song choice, or awful damas dresses suck in the guilt and make it work to your taste!
True Confession:
At first i was afraid to go with a certain dress because i thought i need to go by the person bying it`s taste, over time they enstilled it in my head that it`s really what u want! I was told just chambelains,,, but i really wanted damas... That was hard to ask for... I really don`t know why... I really didn`t like some waltz music, and didn`t want to use something that had been used before, so i kinldy disagreed with the planner!
Alot of us quinceaneras are always trying to please everyone around us,,, and it`s hard to except this really is OUR moment, we are the decider, it`s hard cuz we`ve never really been given something with so many options and we decide the final cuts!
Think about this day as you would your wedding day, if someone had this dress inmind that u hated of course u`d tell them that u preffer another, but it`s just weird to be so in charge cuz were only like 14!
Give more advice please!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by *~*starshine*~*; updated 07/12/03
You are so right. I completely agree. At first with my quinceanera I couldn`t get anything without having my mom`s opinion. But the last straw was when she wasn`t going to let my get the salon I wanted to get. I blew up and I told her it was MY party not hers. Yes she got mad and I don`t advise yelling at your parents but I couldn`t take it anymore...plus it turned out to be very nice. You just have to be honest with other people and it`s your party so enjoy it the most you can.
Posted by *Jennifer*; updated 07/12/03
Thank U very much! Somethings we just gotta let slip, even if it seems a little greedy!!! Thanks again...Does anyone else have a reply go ahead say anything!!! Hope ta here from ya!
Posted by *~*starshine*~*; updated 07/12/03
I hate when they say it`s your day so tell me what u want, but when u do tell them what u want they either have an opinion or they do not like your ideas.
Posted by andrea; updated 07/14/03
Girl we here.
Posted by *Jennifer*; updated 07/15/03