Hey everyone who is going to read this. I have this problem. My bday was may 2003 and i was going to get my quinceanera but then my parents said they didn`t have the money. So they told me that i could have a sweet sixteen. But my problem is that i am hispanic and won`t it look weird for a hispanic girl doing a sweet 16? so what i was thinking is that maybe on the invitations i can put that it is my quinceanera and not my sweet 16. Would that look weird? i have seen many people do that so can you please give me your opinions.
Thank you and hope you all have fun at your quinceaneras.
Posted by damaris; updated 07/10/03
Hey it would be totally fine for your quinceanera when your sixteen! Because even though it`s your sixteenth, the tradition dates back to what happenes when you turn fifteen... And your gonna do all the same stuff as a quinceanera , so on your behalf it won`t be a sweet sixteen .... You`ve seen it done before,,, and the last quince i went to was a 16, and the invatations and the sign in book and receourdos (sp?) were all quinceanera theme so it`s all good ... Most people, as maybe you`ve seen before, kindo don`t even relize your sixteen and having a "quinceanera", there usally drunk, just kidding, but like my friend who wasn`t familiar with the quinceaneras at all went with me , and i`d think she would think that was tacky, 16-nera, but she thought it was no biggy and she`s american, and it seemed totally alot a girls are doing that these days, as u already know, so people really are used to it by now, and it won`t be wered on the invitation... I`d say thet when your advertising your age on the party favors or invataions... Use quinceanera only... Beacuse when you go to by stuff at the tienda like the book or engraved cake cutters they all say mis quince anos or quinceanera!
Hope i helped
Love ya !
Posted by glad to help!; updated 07/11/03