Fed Up Wid Jenifer Or Jen&q
Okay I`m really sick of this Jenifer, or Jen or whatever. Everytime someone posts their opinion, she jumps on there backs and chases them off the site. I`ve noticed this several times. I don`t know about you, but I just wanna read the message boards and not have to read fights that she`s started or made worse. And this goes out to you directly, "Jen" if you`re reading this: Keep the boards respectable and keep a good attitude. Nobody wants to read your little squaggles any more.
Posted by Fed up Wid Jen; updated 07/07/03
My name is Jennifer but I`ve also noticed what you`re saying. And I am NOT the one starting all those fights. So from now on I will put myself as *Jennifer*. Just so I can distinguish myself.
Posted by *Jennifer*; updated 07/07/03
Oh, sorry for about that, I didn`t mean that about you. So sorry to cause you trouble!
Posted by Fed up Wid Jen; updated 07/07/03
Okay i know that by me raggin on you jennifer (not *jennifer*) that i`m causing more problems and coming down to your level , but you are pissin me off you yelled at Chichi for say "sorry she couldn`t help out" on another message board, i think it was "Song Choices", that was SO rude, you said that if she couldn`t help don`t post anything, but u know what, in my opinon (oh and yeah u did ask for IT!!!) I like it when some one at least post sorry they couldn`t help me, so at least i know people are reading it and are concered with what i was saying, and not leaving me out in the blue to make me think no ones reading it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go ahead and wip lash me with another message to TRY and top me!
It`s just gonna prove our POINT!!!
That u`re a _______! (i`ll leave that to the imagination)
Go find a chat room jen and cause crap there!
<3 always,
15 in 2 weeks 4 days!
Posted by bthdy girl; updated 07/08/03
You go Girl!
Posted by Fed Up Wid Jen; updated 07/10/03