When`s Your Quince Gonna B?
My birthday is December 23, and I`m gonna have my Quince on January 8. Do you guyz think it`s ok to do that? I mean December is such a busy year already and everyone leaves outta town and stuff like that, I just didn`t want anyone to miss it b-cuz they were outta town and stuff. Just want to kno your guyz`z opinion.........
Posted by Bonita Muchacha; updated 07/06/03
Oh yeah, it`s gonna B in 2005, I`m turing 15 in 2004, but I`m still waiting another month......which would make it 2005.....
Posted by Bonita Muchacha; updated 07/06/03
You can have ur quince anytime u want as long as its between ur 15th ad 16th b-day! So the answer to that question is Yes! lol! e-mail me..cica_gurl@prodigy.net!
Posted by Cica; updated 07/06/03