Question On Addressing Wedding Invitations

HI again everyone:

Yet another question. We have a rather unusual situation, in that we have a friend who is a minister. Nothing unusual there right?

The unusual part is that his wife is also a minister. How do we address their invitation? The Reverends Jones? Reverends Joe and Jane Jones? Mr. And Mrs. Joe Jones?


Posted by Kimberly; updated 07/05/03


My minister for my wedding is also my fiance`s uncle. I couldn`t figure out how to address the envelope either, so I decided to just go with Mr. & Mrs. I figure you can`t go wrong with that.
Posted by Melissa; updated 07/07/03


Usually when the two are doctors you address them as such:
The Doctors Smith
So my guess is that you would do the same if they are both Reverends;
The Reverends Smith

Posted by amanda; updated 07/07/03


"The Reverends Jane and John smith" is the correct form.
Posted by Linda; updated 07/27/03


I suggest that you put Mr. And Mrs. Joe Jones.........that is formal enough I think.....And I learned not to worry about small things like those, it just adds way more stress to things that you shouldnt have to stress about. Most likely they wouldnt even notice or care what you use, they will know its for them.....good luck! Mandy
Posted by Mandy; updated 07/27/03


You put:


Titles for both and FULL names, not nicknames such as bill for william, you put name in full. You DO awknowledge both the titles. For example, if he was a reverand and she a physician, it would be To Dr. Jane smith and Reverand William smith
Female names are also placed before male names when there is a title involoved. Exceptances would be (less informal) To mr and mrs william smith. Or if he has a title and she doesnt`: to reverand wiiiam and mrs. Jane smith
Posted by Sarah; updated 08/01/03


Well.. Sort of. The last one on your example (Reverand William and Mrs. Jane Smith) is incorrect. Should be Reverend and Mrs. Willaim Smith. It`s the same form as Mr. And Mrs. William Smith.
Posted by Kylie R.; updated 08/02/03


How do you address a wedding invitation to two reverands?
Posted by Lois Augustine; updated 09/02/04