Start Now Or Later??HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!
HEY YAll i have a deep question!!
Look my quinceanera will be in 6 or 5 months its gonna be in feb,2004
Well anyways i havent started in anything!!!!!!
I barely have my church ceremony and hall!
I havent started anything!!!! my mom says later on the dress but i think days are passing fast!!!
Should yall think i should start looking for my damas and chambelanes or what??
My mom says its too soon!!5 months its soon or what?
Please help me!!!!
I need yall opinions!!!
Posted by sweet thang; updated 07/04/03
I think you should really start planning quincenera is March 6, 2004 and I already got my dress, the dama dresses, the padrinos, and a lot of other stuff. You have to start planning this stuff very early because you never kno, people could back out from ur quince and if you have more time u could always have a backup!! Its good you already have the Church. Well I hope I have helped you!! Good Luck!!
Posted by Cica; updated 07/05/03
Hey hope yall had a fun 4th ... But please start now!!!!!!!!!
Myne`s in three weeks from today and were still going crazy about getting everything in order....
My dress is coming in from california this weekend!
Get the dj and the hall now,,, get the dresses and everything else big already done with at least two months before the party!
It`ll help alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chances of getting a good dress or hall are slim if you wait... You want the best for your big day!!! good luck!
Posted by KARISSA; updated 07/05/03
My quiencenera is in December 2003 and i havent started lookin for anything yet so dont feel bad. The only thing we have so far is the "conjunto" thats goin to play at the dance and the "padrinos de velacion". If you have questions email me :)
Posted by Jessica; updated 07/15/03