I Got Jilted, How Do I Preserve My Gown?
I just got jilted Friday, with 171 guests ready to attend a wedding which is no longer happening 4 weeks from now as scheduled. The groom has run away and is hiding out with family in New York as I stay here holding the bag in California....saying he`s just not ready. (We were engaged over one year and have known each other 2 1/2 years and he`s 43! Anyway. Though it is the worst event in my life, I am trying to get through it. My gown is here in the bag. I don`t want to get rid of it because I love it and I hope to get married in the next 5 years to a man who actually deserves me. How do I preserve it? Are there different methods? what`s the best, does it look the same once you want to wear it after preserving it?
Posted by Patricia; updated 06/28/03
Very sorry to hear about your awful situation. Even though you love the gown,it really was meant for the two of your wedding. I would think it would bring back painful memories.Someday you will meet the man of you dreams and you wouldn`t want to bring along old memories to you new wedding. There are so many beautiful gowns that I`m sure you could fall in love with again. I personally would try to sell it and move on, or if there is a chance he may see the light and return then I would keep it. But believe me once they walk out they`ll do it again. Mine did it 3 times. The old saying 3 strikes your out. Well, now I have met the man of my dreams and planning our wedding.Good luck.
Posted by cathy; updated 06/29/03