Quinceanera Celebration
Where can I find cadetes (military/rotc guys) for a quinceanera?
Posted by Imelda; updated 06/26/03
From any local high school i have been to many quines where the quincenera had her highschools rotc in her court or depending on where you live ( im in el paso right by juarez) youi can get the cadets from there. There pretyt good and really professional too! Good luck
Posted by Christina; updated 06/30/03
Posted by Imelda; updated 06/30/03
Yes i was wondering what web site can i find the list of the cadetes that dance at a 15th party or please tell me the name of the cadetes and the number and how much they charge thanks
Posted by bertha; updated 12/15/03
Yes, you can find them at your local high school. Call the high school and let them know you need the ROTC escorts for a quinceanera. You need to call them at least three months in advance and they don`t charge much.
Posted by Imelda; updated 12/16/03