Justice Of The Peace

I`m going to be getting married to my military man.When guys are in the military it`s never really planned out when they come home.I`m wondering how many days i should wait to ask a justice of the peace to marry me because it takes 3 days to get the marriage liscense and we don`t have that yet we are getting it the week of the 6th!!! help!! Also what should i expect out of a JP wedding?!
Posted by becky; updated 06/30/08


You hadn`t mentioned the state in which you`re marrying. In NH there`s no 3 day wait for the wedding license. Once completed at the Town Hall, you should be able to marry immediately thereafter.
As far as what to wear to a JP wedding - this is YOUR DAY! You can wear the most beautiful wedding gown you`ve dreamed of, or you can wear a more modest outfit. Don`t break the bank on the gown/tux! Make it memorable - as you only marry once - and there will be tons of photos that you & your friends will remember - but think about spending gown/tux money on other things you`ll need. Don`t get sucked in by the gee-gaws! What kind of clothes reflect your personalities (you & the Groom)?
The most beautiful thing you can both wear is a genuine SMILE and the clothes of your choice.
No matter what - I wish you the best future possible.

Visit our page for more info: Stasia Millett

Posted by Stasia Millett; updated 03/21/11