My Brothers 13th Birthday

My brother has had a hard begining being born 3 months premature. He wasn`t expected to live much less have a 13th birthday. Because he`s a big wrestling fanatic, I think it would be great to throw a party with that theme. I would greatly appreciate your help with this. If this is possiable please contact at your earliest convience
Posted by Dane brown; updated 06/27/08



What city and state will you have the party? What is the date of your event?

Have you considered a wrestling impersonator or actor?

We have contacts in every major U.S. City who perform as character look-a-likes or impersonators. Feel free to contact me at 703-691-8318 or reply via email to

Visit our page for more info: RHK Entertainment

Posted by keith; updated 06/29/08


You could throw him a surprise party and decorate the place to look like a wrestling arena and ask his freinds to dress up like wrestlers
Posted by keenal; updated 06/30/08