Help With Planning A Quinceanera

I need help on how i can do a quinceanera but in an inexpensive way. Not that i am cheap or anything but it is just that my family doesn`t have that much money to do one that big. If you have any ideas as to how to make it a nice, cool, fun quinceanera please help me.
Posted by damaris; updated 06/24/03


Have padrinos for everything
Posted by silvia; updated 07/02/03


Thanks silvia i think that i may have to go on that route if i want one that bad.
Posted by damaris; updated 07/02/03


Yeah i have padrinos for everything and not by couples only by individuallly... 11 women and 13 men helping with mine!!! 24 thats alot... These things are expensive!
Posted by HOTPINK; updated 07/05/03