Quinceanera MAjor Vals Problem
Hey i have a problem i am having muh quince in sept and well i dont have any one 2 teach me tha vals and i was wondering if any of u can tell me some steps or sumthin b-cuz i have everything ready except 4 that and i am in need of serious help
I also have another problem:
When u do ur vals how did u do it?
Did u dance with ur dad 1st then do ur vals or did u do ur vals and then dance with ur dad and then do ur cumbia ? i am so confuzed and dont know wut 2 do please help!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Amanda; updated 06/21/03
My opinion is you do what makes you happy, there are no steps as to what goes first . The most important thing is to have fun. I`m having my younger`s sister sweet sixteen next February 2004. Good Luck
Posted by Margarita; updated 06/23/03
Hey My QuinceaƱera is in November but the way i think of doing the dances are in this following order....
Primero (1st)- El Vals with my Daddy
Next- El Vals con los chambelanes y damas
Then - I dunno if you do a March or not but thats next
Last- La Cumbia
But whatever makes u happy is most important... Any order would look great!..... Hope I helped!
Any more questions e-mail me @ :
Posted by Griselda; updated 07/08/03
This is what I did:
-My parents got presented.
-Me and my escort got presented.
-My padrinos of Last Doll got presented and gave me my last doll.
-My daddy changed my shoes.
-I danced my valz with my daddy. (Valz Para Una Quinceanera-Alejandro Jean)
-My court got presented. (Marcha Triunfal de Aida-??)
-1st Valz (Balada Para Adelina-??)
-2nd Valz but only with my chambelanes. (Tiempo de Valz-Chayanne)
Oh and I made up my 1st valz...so maybe you could do that too. It`s in a way easier if you CAN`T find a teacher.
Posted by *Jennifer*; updated 07/08/03
Oops! I forgot that after I danced with my daddy I danced with my padrinos and I used the song "Valz de Las Mariposas".
Posted by *Jennifer*; updated 07/08/03
According to the tradition the reason why you have this big party is because you are presented to society as a young adult and your parents are the ones who do this. So I definetely think you should dance with your dad first "valz de las mariposas" then the rest as you please. Good luck
Posted by Chavez; updated 11/15/03
1st- my family (bros and parents) got presented.
2nd- me and my chambelan got presented
3rd- mom changed shoes
4th- valz de la muneca with my uncle( he gave it to me)
5th- valz wit my dad
6th- valz wit my damas and chambelanes
7th- valz wit my chambelanes
8th- valz wit my padrinos
9th- salsa
Posted by Mel; updated 11/17/03