Teen Sleepover Party

Help me!!

I need some ideas for a teen sleepover game.

I am turning 14 next month, and really need some help.
All of ma pals are 13 or 14.
There are only about 5 or 6 of us...
Posted by Shona; updated 06/11/08


Well i had a sleepover for my 13th birthday but i had it at a hotel for decorations use ure favorite colors.and for food do thng u guys like i know i had hot cheetos sub sandwiches,candy,and i also had fake martinis we got non acholic martini mix and sprit mixed it together in a plasitic martini glass and had cherries and sugar rims.For party favors i gave them feather boas,mardi graw beads,big rings that lit up,candy,bubbles ect.. For fun we went swimming,played htel tag,and games like slot macine all u have to do is get runts and there is someone who is the machine and someone who is the player u put a runt in ure mouth and when they pull ure arm down u stick out ure tounge and if there are 1 other team that has the same then u win .for our prizes we handed out tickets throughout the 2 days they got them for winning games,saying key words i decided on,like incide jokes and more and at the end of the day we had an auction for prizes like mackeup,bathpruducts,lotions,jewlery and more i had a great time at my party hope it gives u some ideas for yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by lauren; updated 06/16/08