Need Affordable Photographer -- Bay Area


I am looking for a photographer /student for a June wedding in the Bay Area. The wedding is very small and private (bride + groom). I am looking for someone with a creative touch for 2-3 hours on a weekday evening. Because I`m on a tight budget, I can only pay up to $200. Please let me know if you are interested. Thank you very much!
Posted by WH; updated 05/13/08



I know someone who can do that. He is very professional and might be willing to do it for the price you quoted.

His email is s****
Please contact him
Posted by deesha; updated 05/15/08


I know someone who can help you

Email him at sh****

He is very professional

Posted by disha; updated 05/15/08


I am finding it hard to find a videographer to film for less than $800. I was thinking more like a home movie... And hopefully more like $200 to shoot it. Anyone have any ideas? Bay area, ca
Posted by Stephanie Gladde; updated 11/06/08