Davids Bridal Apple F1165 SZ 4
Greetings! I am looking for a size 4 Davids Bridal F11165 gown in Apple Red. I will need this gown in August...the sooner the better to keep my bridezilla from freaking out...lol
Thanks for your help ladies!
Posted by Cheryl; updated 04/17/08
I Have this dress in apple red sz 4 however I had minor alterations done to take it in but I never touched the hem let me know if it would work for you!
Posted by Holly; updated 04/22/08
I need this dress too! F11165 Size 4 Apple - did you ever get it. If you know anyone else who wants to sell thiers let me know please!!!
Thanks - Laura
Posted by Laura Poincot; updated 07/31/08
I still have the dress let me know if you are interested.
Posted by Holly; updated 08/01/08
Great! How much do you want for it? The size 2 would not fit me - when you had it taken in was it taken in a lot or just a little?
I live in Orlando, FL would you be willing to ship?
Posted by Laura Poincot; updated 08/02/08
we can exchange addresses and payment method. Does it also come with the shaw?
Thanks - Laura
Posted by Laura Poincot; updated 08/02/08
Hello! I have this dress for sale as well in a size 4! I did have the dressed hemmed in length. I am 5`4. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask!
Posted by Kristin; updated 06/26/12