Wedding Reception In September

Please help us. We`re looking for a professional photo-journalist or photographer to take pictures for our reception in Long Beach on Sept. 7th at 10:00 to 11:00 am. No formal poses needed.
Posted by AA; updated 04/16/08


Congrats, on your upcoming day! Take a look at my website, Je*********** and give me a call, we`ll chat.

Thanks, Jenn
Posted by Jennifer; updated 04/27/08



Sorry for the delay, I had to get registered with PartyPop. If your still interested, give me a call.

Thanks, Jennifer

Visit our page for more info: Jennifer Stroud Photography

Posted by Jennifer; updated 05/05/08


Jennifer ,
Thanks for your interest but we already found someone who conveniently filled all our needs
Posted by AA; updated 05/06/08


Wonderful, I hope everything goes just as you dreamed. Congratulations, God Bless.

Visit our page for more info: Jennifer Stroud Photography

Posted by Jennifer; updated 05/06/08