Want The Quince Christian Church Service?
Hi everyone,
If you asked me to email the Quince Christian Church Service that we used and I didn`t send it to you yet, please email me. My daughter`s boyfriend pulled it off my computer and onto my daughter`s so I can now email it out. Anyone else who would also like it emailed to them, just send me your email address so I can send it on to you. Happy planning girls!
Posted by Pat; updated 04/06/08
Would it be possible to get a copy of the order of service also? I have been asked to perform the ceremony for a friend`s daughter. They are born again and have only seen the service done in Catholic. I myself am fairly unfamiliar with it, but from what I know it is impressive and very special. Any outline ideas would be incredibly helpful. Thank you so very much!
Posted by Rev. Jasmine; updated 04/06/08
My granddaughter is a born-again Christian, whose father`s family is Catholic. He is the youngest of 15, so she has a lot of cousins whose QuinceaƱeras she had attended. She has dreamed of the event since she was five.
However, her father`s family says that she can`t have one because she`s not Catholic, and they aren`t even sponsoring her.
She want`s to have our pastor (her pastor too) do a service in our Church, with her Mom and Dad giving her a purity ring in addition to some of the traditional QuinceaƱera things that are performed.
She wants to have her friend`s pastor interpret the service for her Spanish-speaking family members, and we hope it will be a witness, and new tradition for Spanish, born-again Christian girls.
I would really appreciate it if you could send me the service you have.
Thank you so much.
Posted by Grandma K.; updated 10/01/09