Waltz Dance
Is it possibe to get a waltz together in the next 2 practices the song i wanted was tiempo te vals, but it a 4 minute dance, i want a waltz!!!! need help!!!
Posted by RACHEL; updated 03/26/08
Hi Candy, thanks so much for the copy of muh especial!!!!! it`s me again, my daughter wants a waltz but the girl who taught her other dance says there is not enough time, we meet only on saturdays for 2 1/2 hours.....what can we do ?
Posted by RACHEL; updated 03/26/08
My daughter has 13 girls ,13 boys- my daughter included/escort, - she has 2 little girls, 1 little boy. We did want one of the princess girls to dance too with the boy since they are both 8 , but we are not sure, the other princess is 4, so 13 boys &13 girls for sure.
Posted by RACHEL; updated 03/26/08