I ordered this wedding dress and ended up finding another that I liked better. Unfortunately, although I tried to cancel the wedding dress before the order was even placed, I was unable to do so. Thus, I now have two wedding dresses arriving in July.
This is a beautiful wedding dress: layers of chiffon make it luxurious. However, because I`m petite I think the dress didn`t flatter my shape well. Originally I ordered this in a size 2, but upon realizing my mistake, had them switch it to a size 6.
This dress would be coming to you straight from the designer. You wouldn`t need to worry about the dress being handled or touched by other people before you receive it - when the dress is ready I could arrange for it to be shipped directly to you rather than to the bridal store I originally purchased it from.
For more pictures and a better description please visit this website: http://www.disneybridal.com/collections/jz/bridal/jz3.html
Because this dress is brand new, never been worn or even touched, I am asking for $2000. The original cost of the dress is $2250.