Is it ever OK to let someone know that you want to be a part of their court for their quince? My daughter is good friends with someone having a quince soon and we no longer live in the area. They`ve been in touch and we see them when we go back home, but she hasn`t been invited to be in the court. I think It`s possible that my daughter hasn`t been asked because we aren`t local and my daughter has a very busy schedule. They may feel it would be a hardship for us to have her participate. It would not. It would be a welcomed change of pace for her. My daughter simply would love to be a part of this as she shares the same birthday as the quinceranera. (We are not hispanic.) She simply wants to be a part of her friend`s day, but we don`t want to put them on the spot and we certainly don`t want to crash the event. Would it be inappropriate to let her know that she wants to be in the court if she hasn`t selected everyone yet? Please help.
Posted by Anne; updated 03/06/08
What do you mean be part of the court?
Posted by silvia; updated 03/06/08