14th B-Day Party

Hi!! my b-day is on march 25 and i am turing 14 this yr! i only have 3-4 weeks left and i really wanna have an amazing party. Every year i like to throw a different party that has been better than the last. This yr my moms friend had a country idea- we could all go horse back riding and then come back to my house and party w/ bbq, but idk. We are wealthy, but arnt fithy rich! does it sound kk? last yr i had a middle eastern themed party and all loved it!! - belly dancer, middle eastern resterant cautered, it was great! tell me what you think or any other ideas!! we live in the northeast so it may be a bit cold! thanx!! xoxo c
Posted by curlifries; updated 03/02/08


Great idea......can i come?..jk
Posted by sydnee; updated 03/08/08