Bargain Bride Replicas

I just want to let everyone know about my experiance with bargain-bride. I contacted this company about having a replica wedding gown made. They offered to make my dream dress for $750. This is 200-400 less than any other company I have enquired with. BUT........When I requested more information about the company, name of owner, address and phone number. I also requested to contact some refrences. I recived NO RESPONSE. Any other time I emailed them, I recieved an email within a day or so. It has been about 4 days now and I reqested this info TWICE and have gotten no response. I think that any company should be more than happy to disclose this information and supply a person with refrences. To anyone who is looking to have an expensive wedding dress made for less, look at The owner lives in my home town and I have met with her face to face. She is listed with the BBB and has had no complaints filed in the past 3+ Years. Be careful of these companies who tell you they can make your dream gown for dirt cheap... You will end up with a dress that looks nothing like it should or one that doesnt fit. Fairytale weddings and bridal is a company I highly reccomend.
Posted by Samantha; updated 02/26/08