Beautiful Princess Style Strapless Prom Dress For Sale!

I am selling my prom dress from back in 2004, I have not really thought of selling it until recently when I decided I needed to declutter my house. The dress is pink with a strapless corset type of top so it fits any bust size and will suck in any stomache type, the bottom is poofed out with Crinoline. It is only lightly worn and is in a garment bag in my closet to keep it in excellent condition. I paid around $400-$500 for the dress originally and am asking $350 for it, I also have a necklace and a pair of earings which I bought to go with the dress that I will throw in at no extra charge. If interested email me at and I will send pictures of both the dress and the jewelry. Thanks.
Posted by Nikki; updated 02/20/08


Do you have any pictures?
If so my e-mail is
Posted by kayla; updated 03/29/08