17th Birthday Boy/Girl Sleepover (ideas Plz!)

I am turning 17 in 4 days. I am taking 9 of my friends (boys and girls) out to dinner. It is a dinner date party. Afterwards, I am having a boy/girl sleepover.I really need good ideas of what to do to keep my guests entertained! Please help me with this! Remember i am turning 17 not 12. So it is much harder to have something fun for my guests. Thank you!
Posted by Brooke; updated 05/12/03


Hi am not even close to being 18 but i have so many ideas for you...-->you can pose for picturez bcuz that never getz OLD you can also jus go hang out wherever you want!!!!...you can go and get tshirts and get everybody to sign it...i know it soundz kind of babyish but it really isnt itz like a memory{partybag}
Posted by TaLi; updated 07/24/03


I`m 19. When I was turning 17 i also had a birthday pary- boys and girls- we bought a lot of ice-cream and decorations- we then made teams and we each had to create a sundae- using whatever we could find in the house- the biggest sundae won- nd whoever had the smaller sundae had to eat it (WHATEVER THEY USED HAD TO BE EATEN) the entire thing had to be gone- in less than 2 hours.it was pretty disguisting- i had to eat mine- but the stomach ache goes away after a while- lol- it sounds pretty wierd- but it`s actually very fun. Hope u use my idea!!!!!! buh byez
Posted by Lauren; updated 10/21/03


You can get a really scary flickk curl up on the couch with a snack each and get a pillow just in case!!!
Posted by sarah; updated 10/22/03


Go to wal-mart and put random items in ppls shopping cart and watch their reaction at the check out counter! always a boredom-buster for us!
Posted by liz; updated 12/13/03


Ur gay why would u want guys to spend the night. The guys will stay with themselves and the girls will stay with themselves it will be a disaster!!!!!
Posted by teller; updated 12/14/03


Try the orage game; go into 2 groups, line up in boy/girl order, then put the orange under your chin and pass it to the next person without dropping, this is a race, the people in the losing group have to all take a shot of alcohol.
Posted by cherries; updated 01/30/04


U shood play 7 mins in heaven.. Its odd but funny... If u dont no how u play u lock a guy n a gurl in a closet together for 7 mins and leave them 2 so whatever. You`d be surprised
Posted by sleepy; updated 02/04/04


Ok well if your having boys there to you cant do makeovers or anything (not like you were!) but you need to do exciting things like on my sweet six teen i had 6 ppl there 3g 3b and i have a digital camera and so me and my friends all took funny photos and put them on the computer and pasted them onto paint and we drew funny faces on them! well we did so much stuff even some seemed like i was 12 because its 16 not 30! take advantage of it! i always say have fun while your young!

Well thats my best advice! you can e mail me for more if you want !

Posted by Gabby; updated 02/05/04


Well, you could some competitions liek dance competitions, dress guyz up like da girls and maybe even kissing competitions (WHO CAN GO THE LONGEST FREE STYLE) lol.

Trust me that 1 is a blast
Posted by Sarah; updated 04/04/04


Posted by EMMA; updated 06/10/04


Wow, hey you guys thats uncalled for, im only 14 and i have boy girl sleepovers and its not like that at all, not everyone has to have sex to have fun. HoWeVeR since your 17, depending on were you live (like what country and stuff) you might be able to get your hands on some alcohol, and you can always mix that in with the games, but just try and make sure nobody goes overboard too much, cause you dont want to feal guilty if one of your friends does somthing stupid. Ummm, kissing games are okay, but they get old fast... You can do like, a scavenger hunt all over town, were they have to get like... A picture with a teacher, umm bring a camera, and you have to take pictures of like, one person singing in the middle of the street and stuff. Make a scavenger hunt list, and the people have to find like...
*a lacy pink bra (you cant buy it)
*somone who wasnt playing before playing
*one of the other teams items
And then just random stuff like... A magazine from more than a year ago, a record, a person you call know`s autograph, just crap like that. Make a long list, and then you have to look around the city, and meet back at your house at a certain time. This is best with good weather. Oh, and hae like, 2 to 4 teams obviously.... Thats all i can think of! i hope it helps!!!!!!
Posted by ashlin; updated 07/08/04


Oh, and if ya have any questions, email me at purplepup_15@hotmail.com !!!! have fun!!! oh, and if you have any other ideas for partys, post them, cause im throwing a surprise party for my friend soon... And were pretty mature for our age, so ho hide n seek.
Posted by ashlin; updated 07/08/04


Duh! spin the bottle is in.. If yer not comfortable kissing then make it like something else.. Hugging is lame so make is like.. Give them a raspberry.. Not the fruit.. The other 1! or lick whipped cream off the others stomach! its fun especially if yall are friends.. And trust me.. Have movies out and a tv near by and itll go smooth!
Posted by Missy; updated 08/03/04


Purpleponypiguinpoo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by glkdjfdtsg; updated 08/26/04


Yo wat u should do is make two dice. Then on 1 put six actions like squeeze or lick and stuff like that and then on the other 1 put a body part like legs or face and "other things" and thats a fun game! trust me.
PS im throwing my 14th b-day party and idk where to throw it or wat to do soo if ne of u hav ne ideas lemme kno!!!!!!sn is tonsafun1098 and to give me ideas reply on 14th b-day of joes. THNX AND HOPE THE IDEA WORKS!!!!!! joe
Posted by billybob; updated 08/29/04


Hello, so your having a boy girl sleepover? Here are some thing to keep your friends up and goin.
You can try to play kisses or disses. I know it sounds soo baby like but listen, You play it at night, go out side and try to kiss a guy but you don`t know who he is. Then take him to the closet to make out. Then after your done for 30 min. You look to see who it is and if you guys don`t like eachother you stop but if you, take it to `da next level. On your bed or something like that. ( don`t take your panties off! just you bra). K ? bye
Posted by Katrina; updated 09/20/04


My friends and I are also having a sleepover - TONIGHT!! It has only just begun but we have loads of things planned! You could, if you dared, put on your swim wear and stock up on cling film....and ice cream! Smuther your self in ice cream and all things sticky (honey, jam,vegetable oil etc) Then wrap each other up in cling film! If you are not sticky enough and you are hungry for more, raid your kitchen for all out of date or spare `tinned food`!!! Empty the food into your bath or alternative jump in and have a good laugh!! Try not to make, too much mess!
Posted by Lucy; updated 10/30/04


Well i am 12 and havin a 13th birthday sleepova and i need ideas 4 a boys and girls sleepova but i recommed dat u play really saucy dares!
Posted by dee; updated 12/11/04


Have SEX play SEXY games
Posted by faee; updated 12/11/04


You are sooooo sad to be having a sleepover at 17. Get a life you saddo
Posted by simon; updated 12/11/04