Event & Wedding Photographers Wales Wrexham

Event & Wedding Photographers Wales Wrexham

I need a guy to do my wedding in April in Wrexham, any ideas out there?
Posted by Alec; updated 01/08/08


Yes, Hire a photographer there or bring one with you that wants to travel to Whales and that has his/her visa valid... Like me! The cost should be more of course for travel expenses or if you hire there your never sure what you`ll get. Just search online europe weddings Whales... I suppose. Www.pixcasey.com

Visit our page for more info: Daniel Casey Photography

Posted by Daniel Casey; updated 01/08/08


Cr***to.co.uk They are brilliant & fantastic value.
Posted by Shelley; updated 01/15/08


Here is the web address fro you http://www.cr****o.co.uk/

Hope this helps.
Posted by Shelley; updated 01/15/08