Tips On Planning My Quinceanera
I`ll be turining 15 in a few months and I need some tips on planning my Quinceanera. My dama dresses are going to be a VERY bright yellow. My dress is going to be a soft yellow. My theme will be something like under the ocean, on the beach, sea creatures kind of thing. Any tips on what else i should do, what i should have or need?
Please reply.
-Elizabeth J.
Posted by Elizabeth June; updated 01/07/08
Get an underwater camera and take pictures underwater (duh), maybe with the people in your court if you have one. Then, blow them up to be really big, like poster-sized and hang them up around the place.
Posted by anonymous; updated 01/27/08
Hhhhm... Sounds like a good idea. I don`t want anything too expensize. I`ll try that. But I live in Denver, co. WHERE ARE WE GOING TO GET A BEACH?! Well I can make one!! I`ll go to a local pool or something... Thanx!
Posted by Elizabeth June; updated 02/01/08